POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : textures : textures Server Time
2 Nov 2024 03:16:26 EDT (-0400)
From: ryan constantine
Date: 5 Jun 2000 01:42:16
Message: <393B3EA2.77E18DFB@yahoo.com>
for general dirtiness on the xwing model i'm working on, i think i've
got it covered (?).  however, laser blast marks are giving me a
headache.  using most of the spot or leopard type textures gives a
blotchy effect, even when two of the directions are scaled.  plus, when
scaled in this way, there are too many blasts coming from the same
direction.  so i'm wondering how to make just a couple blasts come from
a direction so i can then layer multiple directions on top of each other
without the xwing looking like it got destroyed and rebuilt (if you know
what i mean).  now, i really want to use textures and not image maps so
that i can modify the phase or translation of them to make a fleet of
ships look like a fleet and not like clones.  i'm thinking there may be
more exotic textures (like functions?) that may be the solution, or that
there may be more in depth knowledge out there that can only come from
experience (which many of you have in abundance and i lack).  or- can
the keyword 'once' be used with textures other than maps?  if so, it
wouldn't be too hard to place a laser blast one at a time.  is any of
this making sense?  thanks.


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